Exodus 20:12-21

Sep 11, 2022    Brent Stephens

In Mere Christianity and The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis argues for an objective moral reality that governs the way we treat one another in society. He says that there is a common thread that runs throughout human society. There is no society which prizes adultery or theft as a virtue, and no one wants to be lied to. All people inherently recognize these things as sin when they are sinned against, even if not all people would
use that term. Romans 2:15 tells us that God’s law is “written on [our] hearts.” Here in the “second table” of the Ten Commandments, we see God make clear His expectations of His people, that they would treat one
another in ways that honor Him. God spells out what we all understand to be wrong. In doing so, He points to a way of life that is only fully realized in the person of Jesus Christ.