1 Corinthians 14:26-40

Oct 29, 2023    Brent Stephens

God is a God of order and not chaos. Think for a moment about the universe, our world, and society itself. God has purposefully built order into everything. Those who accept His order will flourish, while those who reject it live under the shadow of a curse. Imagine if the mayor of the town you live in suddenly gathered everyone together and made the following speech: “We are no longer going to have leaders, police, firemen, or any other government agency within this city. Our goal is for each person to live freely as they see fit.” What do you think the outcome of that experiment would look like? Do you think the complete freedom of each individual to do as they wish would lead to more order, or to chaos? People who only do what is right in their own eyes always lead society to deprivation and despair. Anarchy, which is built on the freedom of the individual, can lead to no other place but chaos. This is why Genesis, the first book of our Bible, opens with this truth: God brings order to chaos (Genesis 1:1-31). God creates the family which, when ordered by God’s design, is the first building block of a healthy society.