What is the dead dog society?

What’s in a name?  Many years ago, a member of our church was asked if she would consider joining us on our Deacon leadership team. Her response was one filled with humility and Biblical literacy. She said, “Why would you want a dead dog like me?” It was the perfect answer and reminded us of how we should all view ourselves in light of the grace of God that has been given to us.  It is also an answer that has roots in Scripture.  

When God finally gave the throne of Israel to David, he went looking for descendants of Saul.  It was customary for a new king to dispatch all relatives of the prior ruling family so there would be no future disputes over claims to the crown.  However, this was not David’s intention.  For the sake of his best friend, Jonathan, he wanted to show kindness to anyone left in Saul’s family.  Eventually, a descendant of Saul was found.  He was a cripple named Mephibosheth.  

Mephibosheth was summoned before King David and most certainly believed he was a dead man walking.  When he stood before the King he was told that the land of his father would be restored to him and he would always have a place at the King’s table.  Mephibosheth responded by saying, “Who is your servant, that you should show regard to a dead dog such as I?” (2 Samuel 9:8).  Mephibosheth recognized that David was giving him grace.  It is the same grace God grants us in Christ.  Gospel humility should always be the hallmark of our leadership!

Who are we?

We're  glad you asked. We are the ones who see ourselves rightly before God and beat our chests crying, Oh God, have mercy on me a sinner” (Luke 18:9-14). We are the ones who love much because we have been forgiven much (Luke 7:36-50). We are the ones who say, I must decrease so that Jesus may increase(John 3:25-30). We are the ones who repeat the prayer, not my will, but yours be done(Luke 22:42).

We do not have all the answers. We simply know that Jesus is the answer. We have no faith in ourselves. We simply have faith in Jesus who was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. We are not the hope of the world. We simply know who the hope of the world is. We will put our blood on the ground and spend our last breath making the name of Jesus great in the midst of all our peers. Jesus is our love, our life, our hope, our savior, and our Lord.

We are serious, but not stuffy. Dedicated, but not religious.

Are you this person?
Then join the round table and lets get to work.